7 Creative Tips to Homeschooling with Confidence

For many parents who set out on the journey of homeschooling, you may be surprised to know that they really aren’t sure how things will go when they first start. Sure, they read the books and ask other parents the how-to questions, but there is always that bit of uncertainty that gives an uneasiness. Confidence in homeschooling comes from recognizing and holding on to some key things as you grow alongside your children in your homeschooling journey. Here are 7 tips that you can remember to help build your confidence.
- Remember Your Why - There is always a good reason why you choose to keep your children at home. This varies for every family, but the reason that drove you to make that initial decision is what should keep you focused along the way, especially when things seem out of focus. In those tough times, always look back at the reason why you started homeschooling, and it will give you the boost you need.
- Celebrate Your Successes - One of the joys in homeschooling is the flexibility to do many other things. Let one of them be to celebrate! You can choose big or small celebrations, whether you’ve completed a whole year or just mastered a new concept, and spread them out throughout the year. Make them special moments that you can all look forward to celebrating.
- Learn from the Things That Don’t Go Your Way - Notice that the word “failure” wasn’t mentioned. Just because something isn’t working does not mean you are failing. The more you realize that homeschooling can change at any moment along the way, the more it will help you loosen your grip on trying to make things go a certain way - and relieve some of the stress behind it too!
- Don’t Compare - It’s easy to look over to your friends who are homeschooling and wonder if you should do the same things they are doing. If it will work for your family, then great, but if it doesn’t, that’s okay too. Your homeschooling ways are meant to be what works for you and your family - as long as you are meeting the needs of your children and matching their learning styles. Remember, there is no such thing as “one-way only” in homeschooling.
- Set Your Goals for Homeschooling - Homeschooling is not just about the books! Remember, you are not just teaching them book smarts but helping them grow with godly character and values that will impact the world around them. Learning can happen anywhere so commit to simply taking in what’s around you and following the interests of your children. Let homeschooling be an adventure!
- Search for Good Resources - Look for the best places to get a variety of resources so you can change things up as you go. Relieve the pressure of doing things by the book. If you give yourself options, then you can easily switch things up when life suddenly changes.
- Pray - This might seem like a silly tip, but any veteran homeschooler will tell you, prayer is a big key to having a successful run at homeschooling. Give yourself and your family to God daily and ask Him to guide your steps as you teach your children in a way that will honor Him. He is faithful to help us along the way.
Create a Homeschool Creed
With these things on your mind, why not consider drafting a homeschooling creed for your family? When everyone is on board you can have this up on the wall as a reminder that you are not alone. The family that you pour into every day also has your back because they believe and want the same things you do when it comes to home education.
Print out the template to start writing down the things you want to acknowledge in your homeschool creed. Here are some statements to get your started.
- Write about who you are as a family. Example: We are a family that believes in God and believes that homeschooling is the best way for us. Include the name of your homeschool if you have one!
- Write about your purpose for homeschooling. Example: We will work hard to complete the tasks and responsibilities needed to be successful at homeschooling. (You can list these tasks and responsibilities to make it more specific.)
- Write about a promise to each other to help one another. Example: We believe that this is a family effort, and though we may have our own tasks and responsibilities, we want to help each other achieve their goals so we can win this race as a family.
- Write about your commitment to others outside the home. Example: We believe our training and learning will help us grow into disciples who will be a light to the world around us.
- Write about your foundation of faith. Example: We uphold that everything we do is out of divine instruction from God’s word. We trust in God for all things that he will guide our steps and give us what we need to reach our goals.

You can write your statements down or type them up and print it onto the template (or create your own!). Don’t forget to leave spaces for everyone in the family to sign at the bottom and a spot for the date. Then you can hang it on your wall or somewhere where everyone can look and remember why your family chooses to homeschool.
You can homeschool with confidence knowing you have a solid foundation and the support and love of your family. Homeschooling is a choice you make each day for giving your family the best.
For more on homeschooling with confidence, read the Homeschooling with Confidence article on the Homeschooling with Heart blog or the articles in the Preparing for the New School Year section of the Summer 2022 issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
This article has been written by homeschooling staff writers of The Canadian Schoolhouse (TCS). Enjoy more of our content from TCS contributors and staff writers by visiting our themes page that has a new theme topic added every month!