10 Concerns of Pastors & Leaders
for the Kids in their Churches

Pastors and church leaders feel a deep sense of responsibility to provide biblical guidance and discipleship for the families in their congregations. When it comes to the education of Christian children, many have expressed concerns about entrusting this crucial formative process to the public school system.

Education is more than just academics – it is a form of discipleship, shaping the next generation's minds, values, and worldviews. As such, there is a growing recognition that parents, under the spiritual mentorship of the church, are called to take an active role in this discipleship process for their children.

The church's role is to come alongside parents, equipping and empowering them to embrace the biblical mandate of training up their children in the ways of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). By fostering a close partnership between church and home, Christian families can confidently nurture their children's spiritual development while providing a Christ-centered education.

Rather than outsourcing this sacred responsibility, the vision is for the church to walk with parents, providing biblical wisdom, resources, and a supportive community. Together, they can ensure that the next generation is firmly rooted in God's truth and prepared to live out their faith with integrity and purpose.

To this end, please note the ten concerns below which have crossed the minds of parents and pastors alike.

1. Family Fragmentation: The substantial time children spend in public schools reduces opportunities for meaningful family interaction, which is crucial for nurturing and training according to God's design for the family. Read this article to expand on this topic.

2. Peer Dependency: Excessive exposure to peer influence in schools can lead children to conform to secular standards of behavior, speech, and interests, potentially overriding Christian values taught at home and church.

3. Exposure to Bad Company: The Bible warns that bad company corrupts good morals. The public school environment, with its diverse influences, can challenge Christian students' morals and values for the worst. And anymore, the schools go beyond just "influences" but instead have a full and bold agenda for our children.

4. Promiscuity: The availability of sex education from a non-Christian perspective and access to contraceptives in schools completely conflict with Christian teachings on sexuality and Biblical modesty. Numerous reports have shown where school officials participate in assisting students in obtaining abortions without parental notification.

5. Marginalization of the Bible: The public school system's increasingly secular curriculum can be openly hostile toward Christianity while being accommodating to other worldviews. In the news, even recently, you may have heard that some children have been forced to participate in Muslim-related activities, and after-school "Satan clubs" are forming in some areas. The public school system is anti-God. It is not for God's word in any sense at all.

6. Risk of Losing Faith: A significant number of Christian-raised children are reportedly leaving the church by the time they reach college, influenced by the secular-humanistic indoctrination they have been exposed to in public schools. Peers and teachers highly influence many children, and they end up embracing ungodly worldviews. Before long, they abandon the faith of their parents.'

7. Curriculum Concerns: Christian parents have expressed concerns about the anti-Christian curriculum in public schools, including cases where students were exposed to topics or views that parents found objectionable without the opportunity to opt out. Read this article to expand on this topic further.

8. Challenges of Being "Salt and Light": Given the depth of already-known challenges for a student sitting under the authority of an un-likeminded teacher, it is argued that expecting them to counter pervasive secular thinking in public schools is entirely unrealistic​. The "Salt and Light" argument is not employed as often as it once was by pastors arguing for public schooling. Even they can see what a foolish argument was (Luke 6:40).

9. Issues with Historical Revisionism: Censorship of Christian heritage in educational materials highlights concerns about the distortion of historical facts in public school curricula. We've all heard of "revisionist history," for example. It's not true education. For more details on this, read the article from Focus On The Family here.

10. Discipleship: Who?: In Christianity, discipleship is a spiritual journey between teacher and student to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit toward embodying Christ's virtues and facing life’s challenges with steadfast faith. This path involves making Jesus not just #1 in their lives, but instead, Jesus IS their life. This is the objective of Biblical discipleship.

Once taught, a student becomes like his master (Luke 6:40). After all, someone is providing the discipleship of your children—to their own worldview (the teacher's). Pastors are increasingly aware and concerned. The church is the answer to the public school problem.