Curiosity Files: Quicksand


You could find yourself stuck in quicksand anytime, anywhere . . . really? Chances are good that you have already encountered it! Where in the world are you most likely to find quicksand? There is much your family can learn in this downloadable E-Book!


You could find yourself stuck in quicksand anytime, anywhere . . . really?

Chances are good that you have already encountered it!

Your family will be informed and amused to learn . . . “Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Quicksand” and so much more!

Sink into all the fun learning, research, and great stuff your kids will encounter with The Curiosity Files™ downloadable series and the unforgettably curious title from The Old Schoolhouse®:

The Curiosity Files™: Quicksand

Explorations With Professor Ana Lyze—Expert in Outlandish Oddities
A FUN unit study for kids ages 8 to13 and up.

The good, the bad, the bizarre . . . it’s all a part of God’s wild and way-out-there creation!

Children love to explore, examine, and experiment with The Curiosity Files™! Switch on the excitement mode to science investigations and witness the joy of homeschooling like it was meant to be!

So, are the dramatic movie scenes about quicksand based on truth?

Quicksand will keep your kids occupied and answering questions like these:

  • Where in the world are you most likely to find quicksand?
  • What four key ingredients make up quicksand?
  • Why does it make you sink?
  • Why is it so hard to get out of?
  • Is quicksand responsible for the thousands of deaths each year that filmmakers would have you believe?
  • Can you spot a puddle of quicksand by sight?
  • If the forces required to free a person involved would tear him apart, does it mean he is stuck forever?
  • What safety factors are important to remember?
  • Can I make my own quicksand? How?
  • What’s the best way to drown in quicksand? (What shouldn’t you do?)
  • What examples of playing in quicksand and words of wisdom can we grasp from the Bible?
  • And a whole lot more!

You’ll notice that The Curiosity Files™ are visually astounding! But they are equally engaging! The conversational-style content pulls the reader in for a wild investigation into the heart of each topic.

As you read and research The Curiosity Files™, you’ll find engaging information, puzzles, quizzes, games, and funtastic activities to keep your child actively engaged in a unit study format. Make Quicksand lapbook snippets for starters, and then continue adding on to widen the study with more amazing topics in the series. It’s a complete educational encounter you’ll be glad to provide for your students!

Wow! Look at all that’s included in this unit:

  • Bible study, discussion ideas, and memory verses
  • Math, history, and geography investigations
  • Literature and suggested book list
  • Writing, spelling, and vocabulary activities
  • Beautiful copywork pages (manuscript and cursive)
  • Science observations, projects, and experiments
  • Discussion questions
  • Art, crafts, and drawing and coloring pages
  • Curiosity Snippets: lapbook/notebook pages and helpful links
  • Special needs, hands-on discoveries
  • Internet resources and video links
  • Complete answer key

With this unit, kids will think creatively and exercise their minds while exploring many interesting and related topics. Students will enjoy writing activities involving word fun, and composing an essay in The Write Stuff. Figure It Out uses the appeal and practicality of an array of important math concepts, including math facts, measurement, problem solving, games, and use of charts, and relates them to real-life lessons for the primary and middle grades. Two levels of vocabulary activities and spelling worksheets cover both elementary and middle/high school.

In the Lab will bring smiles and give kids a chance to use their newly acquired knowledge. They’ll learn about physics and do amazing experiments that will help them understand more about the science of quicksand. Where in the World provides creative map and geographical discoveries.

Other hands-on components, such as coloring pages, crafts, recipes, and astounding activities, await your child. And with lots of game ideas to choose from, you’ll have the whole family involved, with all the giggles you can imagine!

Many special needs students have problems understanding ideas that they can’t experience directly. In The Curiosity Files™, you’ll find lesson activities provided specifically to help these students grasp the concepts. All children can benefit from activities that mix visual regions, auditory regions, touch regions, and motor skill regions of the brain to reinforce learning and retention; special needs students need them even more.

Explore with 82 stunning and colorful pages of Quicksand adventure!
Here’s an opportunity for your kids to enjoy learning about a wide variety of awesome topics they might never find anywhere else!

Expand the hearts and curious minds of your children as they discover the amazing world of quicksand and God’s design for our planet!

Click to see this sample. It is just a few pages of the Blue Diamond study that it is an 89 page product.  blue diamond sample pages


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