Can You Dig It?

We can learn a great deal about our earth by digging in and making discoveries. Geology with Patrick Nurre is a class for high school and middle school students (and upper elementary) that does just that. His first unit on rocks and minerals looks at rocks and the minerals within them, volcanic rocks, and sedimentary rocks. He has also included an exam. His second unit on the national parks takes us on a tour of Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, Mount Rainier, the Petrified Forest, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and more. After watching a video on each national park, students can download and print a worksheet to review what they learned. Yvonne Blake also likes to discover things. The whole family can participate in her Daily Discoveries course. Whether or not you live near the creatures and places she discusses, you’ll learn something. Some of the lessons explain things like barnacles and echinoderms, crustaceans and mollusks, fish and mammals, coastlines and tides, and pond life. There is also a vocabulary list in each lesson, various activities for different ages, math problems, and writing assignments.
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
Living Life As It Unfolds