A Broad Horizon

The possibilities can be limitless, fueled by your imagination and passion! That is what it means to homeschool; the horizon is indeed broad! Doing something new or unknown can produce amazing results.
If you are uncomfortable with your current school situation, want to provide your children with the most effective curriculum for their ability, or like so many others; you do not agree with the things they are being taught at public school then get ready for the awesome adventure of homeschooling! You and your children are the captains of the ship, and the sails are in your hands; this can be daunting, but the rewards are unbelievable.
There are different styles of homeschooling, and I encourage you to explore them. Typing, ” homeschooling styles” in your search engine will garner much information. You may find that you like a little of one and some of another, and that is fine. This is just the core of your school and will provide a home base per se. There is a rich tapestry that many of us build while homeschooling, which includes museums, languages, hiking, knitting, geodes, microscopes and paint. Each seemingly separate experience often links us more closely to another. Uninterrupted learning begins to mirror many of the other natural cycles in life. Soon you will discover things you never knew before, including things about you and your children. You may uncover any number of passions, and your children could find their life’s calling along the way.
I want to take a moment to remind everyone and myself that we can learn from mistakes also. No one wishes to have a setback, but if we allow ourselves to accept this as part of even our best intentions, (without using it as an excuse) then it is easier to absorb the incident into our learning experience.
Many times I write about things that leave an open door because I want to spur others on to their best path. However, I also realize that having a roadmap can make the ride a little smoother. I will include some links and a note with each of them. I encourage you to trust your judgment on what you believe is the best option for your child and use all the information you gather as a guide.
.) http://schoolhouseconnect.com/welcome
*A lovely welcome basket from your homeschooling neighbor, “The Old School House”.
.) http://eclectic-homeschool.com/what-kind-of-homeschooler-are-you/
*Taking this quiz is a fun way to familiarize yourself with homeschool terminology and see what philosophies you identify with.
Another helpful step would be to search for and join a homeschool group near you. This link will lead you to an interactive map that makes it easier to find nearby groups and coops.
.) http://schoolhouseconnect.com/support-groups/
When we stand back and look at this homeschooling life, we can genuinely see a broad horizon and rewarding future.
Sonya Payne is a blessed, happy, homeschooling momma of four! Her school theme has always been, “that they learn to love learning!” Sonya is excited to be a part of The Schoolhouse Writers team and is currently pursuing publishing and licensing. She is passionate about art and writing which has been passed onto her children. When not writing and creating art she loves ranching and exploring nature with her family in their mountain home.
It’s time for the annual The Old Schoolhouse® Excellence Awards, and we need your input! Please take a few minutes to vote in such categories as your favorite homeschool literature book, preferred online learning tool and best app. The Old Schoolhouse® will send you a FREE WannaBe series as a thank you just for taking the time to vote: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1le293Knqh6NPKgiDHf5LohyGAdaH9bgfty5dtnoWiUw/edit?usp=sharing_eid&ts=571aaae3
Be sure to vote by July 1, 2016.