A Moment with The Homeschool Minute~ by Todd Wilson – Hands-On Learning and Field Trips
Tomorrow might just be the single greatest day of the summer. All across America families are grilling hamburgers, having picnics, and waving flags. There’s just something in the air that makes you think of freedom, apple pie, and Chevrolet. God HAS indeed blessed America and HE HAS blessed you, as well.
The great thing about this weekend is that it’s a longggggg weekend, giving time for fireworks AND a long put-off field trip to that nearby lighthouse, petting zoo, national park, lake, or the movie Despicable ME 2. Tell your husband that you’d really like to do __________ this weekend . . . and that it will be a lot of fun.
The important thing is to get the kids there and then let them run around and do and learn the things that interest them. I know my kids get different things from the exact same field trip destination. We went to George Washington Carver’s birth place and some of my kids enjoyed the historical significance, others liked the snake and turtle we saw along the walking path, and still others loved running and being outside.
Had I insisted that they do what I wanted them to do and learn, I would have frustrated some of them (if not all of them) and the “learning factor” would have been low. The beauty of field trip learning, though, is that learning takes place on individual levels and it’s FUN!!!! That is the best kind of learning.
So soak up the sun, eat some corn on the cob, and go on a family field trip!
Be real,
PS. I’m still looking to fill my big loop speaking tour in October. If you live somewhere between Indianapolis, Indiana, and Key West, Florida, and would enjoy having me speak at your homeschool group, CLICK HERE.
Literature Kits are back! Marla Schultz offers a brand new five-week unit that began Monday,
which will lead your family on an adventure to Hikueru with the classic book Call It Courage.
Marla will begin weekly lessons September 3, so this July/early August unit is a preview to an exciting new course.
Also, don’t miss Everyday Explorers: USA as we explore Pennsylvania. Spend this week learning about the Battle of Gettysburg. Did you know that today, July 3, is the 150th anniversary of the third and final day of the epic Civil War battle?
Join today : your first month is just $3. After that, $12.95 a month serves your entire family.
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