A Moment with The Homeschool Minute~ by Todd Wilson – Let’s learn about sea creatures!

I love the beach. I love the sand, the smell, the vastness, and all that you find on the beach. Some of my best memories are walking up and down a long stretch of beach looking for shells, treasures, and sea life. I love watching my kids battle the surf, dig in the sand, and giggle with delight as they race around in circles, overwhelmed by the size and openness. There’s just so much to learn and experience at the beach. It’s like a schoolroom in itself.
The only problem is that I live in Indiana . . . and that’s about as far from the ocean as you can be. Oh, there are some big lakes around us (even one Great Lake), but it just doesn’t feel the same as the ocean.
So here is my thought about learning about sea creatures: go to the beach. You might live real close but it’s been a while since you’ve let your kids explore . . . so go to the beach. Maybe you live in a place like land-locked Indiana, my advice? Go to the beach anyway. Get a map out and see how close you are to the ocean.
I’m just a short day’s (12 hours) drive to a big chunk of the East Coast. I bet you can reach some salt water in about the same amount of time. That’s not too bad . . . not for one of the greatest learning experiences God has to offer. Do a little map research, a little planning, and do it.
Which brings me to a sore point . . . what is the deal with schools starting back up at the beginning of August (some in JULY!!!)? Don’t get sucked into that EVIL line of thinking. Stick to your summer guns and enjoy summer. You homeschool; so you decide what you want to do. Do not let some academic, summer-hating, goofball trick you into giving up your summer!!! Go to the beach.
Be real,
P.S. Our friend, Sarah Mally, author of Before You Meet Prince Charming, and the Bright Lights staff will be running conferences forgirls and parents in Pataskala, Ohio (near Columbus) and Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (near Detroit) the 2nd and 3rd week of August. In each location, they will be running two conferences: The “Strong in the Lord Conference” for girls ages 8-14, and the “Radiant Purity Conference” for girls ages 12+. These conferences are designed to encourage girls to be walking closely with the Lord in the years of their youth. Moms and Dads are encouraged to come with their daughters.
Let’s Learn About Sea Creatures
By Sherri Seligson
Summertime always seems to make us think of warm, sandy beaches, and tropical places. As homeschoolers, these ocean locations are also great educational opportunities as children can explore the unique environment of the sea. Even if you cannot travel to the ocean this summer, you can definitely “immerse” yourself in the fascinating world of sea creatures.
Here are some fun ocean critter facts to “wet” your science appetite!
Did you know . . . a shark has teeth all over its body? Sharks have special scales called denticles which are small toothy projections. If you were to pet a shark (which I don’t recommend) its skin would feel like sandpaper.
Did you know . . . all clownfish hatch as males. When there is no female present, a clownfish will release hormones to convert to a female. This strategy makes it easier to form mating pairs.
Did you know . . . you have likely eaten lots of seaweed, or algae, in your lifetime? Two components of seaweed–align, and carrageenan–are used to help foods stay mixed together. Algae are used in salad dressings, pudding, ice cream, and many other foods.
Did you know . . . a starfish can grow a new arm if it loses one? In fact, if that lost arm has even a small piece of the center body, that arm can also grow a whole new starfish!
Did you know . . . dolphins can use their echolocation abilities to identify what things are made of? They can accurately identify a red, plastic ball when it is mixed up with a red, wooden ball of the same size. In fact, they can also tell another dolphin that cannot see the balls which one to choose!
The oceans are truly full of amazing creatures. Take some time this summer to dive into this fascinating world!

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