A Moment with The Homeschool Minute~ by Todd Wilson – Let’s play a game!

Let’s play a game?! Are you kidding me? Don’t the editors of The Homeschool Minute™ know how busy I am? We just pulled into the driveway after being gone ALL weekend at a family camp in hilly Pennsylvania.
I have tons to do, including writing this brilliant, little article that will minister to untold . . . dozens. I have emails to write, speaking arrangements to work on, products to produce, and gobs of other IMPORTANT stuff to do!!
Games take time . . . my time. Playing a game means stopping what I’m doing, setting it up, listening to my kids’ incessant giggling as they make up their own rules, refereeing their bickering, and dealing with the nagging feeling that I should be getting something done instead.
It doesn’t help when I see my wife, who is way better than I am, sitting on the floor in the midst of her busy day playing a game with our youngest. I just can feel the guilt being heaped on my busy head.
I’ve got to get this all done or nobody will!!!
Can I hear an AMEN?! You’re busy too, right? Don’t have time for games either, right? After all, if we stopped in the middle of our busy day to play a game with our children nothing would get done . . . except what really matters, right? Sigh.
I hate it when I’m right.
I’ll make a deal with you. As soon as you finish reading this email (which just showed up in my inbox too), let’s both stop doing all the “important” stuff we’re doing and play a game with all the really IMPORTANT people in our house who would love a little mom and dad time? Deal?
Be real,
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