A Moment with The Homeschool Minute~ Deborah Wuehler – Hands-On Learning and Field Trips

NOW is a great time for doing all those fun things you put off doing during the school year because: 1) you didn’t have time, 2) you didn’t have energy, 3) you didn’t want the mess, 4) it was a bigger project than you thought, or 5) you just didn’t get it done because of life events.
NOW is the time to make a summer list and start crossing it off. What kinds of things should go on your list besides what you missed during the year? All of our lists will be different, but here are some ideas to start with:
Things like playing those board games with the kids, going on a nature or creek walk or a bike ride, or maybe that trip to the local zoo or aquarium. What about that museum in your town that you keep meaning to visit or going to the farmers’ markets or swap meets.
Things like creating that piece of artwork, or doing that cool unit study, or making those treats for the neighbors. Things like sewing and crafting or making homemade clay or bubbles or homemade chalk. Things like going to the community pool or park and making new friends and sharing the good news.
Things like setting up the tent in the back yard and camping outside. Things like gardening or getting chicks or fish or sea monkeys to raise. Things like building a fort or a tree house or a tire swing.
These are the fun things of summer. Not only will the kids be learning, they will be making memories to last a lifetime. When we ask our older children their favorite memories of growing up, they end up having to do with the kinds of things mentioned above.
But you have to do something to make something happen. Start this week by adding to your calendar at least one hands-on learning fun idea or family field trip. Yes, it will take planning and actual execution. But the reward will be a lasting happy memory of family time spent together.
Make it an “eternal summer” by adding more family worship together. Talk about God’s creation and majesty and awesomeness every day as you are enjoying God’s gifts of time and family. You are blessed!