A Moment with The Homeschool Minute~ Gena Suarez – Do you have a mission statement for your homeschool?

Hey Mama,
Does it intimidate you to think of having a homeschool mission statement? Don’t let it. Just think of it as a plan for your homeschool goals for yourself and your children. Carve out some time with your husband to look at the year ahead and ask yourselves some questions: What do your children need to learn spiritually and academically? What do you plan to use to teach your children the lessons they need to learn? That’s it! Then during the year, occasionally set aside time to prayerfully reevaluate your plan.
Here’s some off topic encouragement: Do you wonder if you’re doing enough for your family? Think about this . . .
Is this not the truth? All day LONG you have done what you do best for your family: Sacrifice selflessly. Are you perfect? Probably not. Did everything get done 100%? Definitely not. Is L-O-V-E your middle name? Absolutely. And your kids know it. Keep going, Mama. You are gonna make it, and so are those monkey kids of yours.
~ gena