A Moment with The Homeschool Minute~ Gena Suarez – Let’s play a game!

Hey, Mama,
Do you remember playing hide-n-go seek or catching fireflies on hot summer evenings? What about running through the hose and eating drippy popsicles? Did your folks let you play outside at dusk in the summer? Bring back some of those fun times with your kids and play a game or two outside! Get some great ideas for games and other fun things to do in the E-Book I’m giving away this month, Nifty Thrifty Summer Fun. Just go to the magazine at www.TOSMagazine.com and look between pages 140-150 to learn how to get your copy of this E-Book, FREE.
Now some encouragement . . .
God is too wise to be mistaken. God is too wise to be unkind. When you can’t trace His hand, that’s when you must learn to trust His heart. – Charles H. Spurgeon
See that, Mama? That’s where faith and belief come in. So you can’t really “see” Him lately, you say. It’s OK; He is right beside you, walking, and His heart is trustworthy; you know this. Keep walking with Him. He will never leave your side.
You did good today, Mama. May your children rise up and call you blessed.
~ gena