Allergic to Organizing

I have been at a stand still lately. We have a small house and with four kids, two dogs and occasional visiting foreign exchange students it can be get kind of crowded. I try to remind myself to see it as “cozy” because its all about our perspective in things right? Well, since our fourth child came along I have really been striving to find a way to be better organized. Not just in the daily tasks of keeping the home either.
I have planners en masse. I think I collect them. Truly I mean to put them to good use. Some I have obtained specifically to keep track of where and when we need to be places. Some I have tried to use to manage meal planning and home education. Yet all of them are mostly blank after the two or three weeks have passed.
We tend to enjoy a rather relaxed home. Most of our “school” revolves around following rabbit trails my kids have stumbled onto. We do lots of building and art; there are wood building projects, painting and sculpting and graphic design and computer coding. There are robotics programs and gymnastics and Bible Quizzing. All of these things are so full of learning opportunities and experiences on so many levels. And they all keep us pretty busy, sometimes busier than I would like to be.
I love my planners and datebooks. I really do. I desire, sometimes desperately, to be that mom that has the tidy home and the meals and days planned out perfectly. But I cannot determine my worth by that. Yet I often do just that; I let them determine my success (or lack thereof) in the home. I cannot let that be. There are seasons of our life when we have more time. Perhaps when the children are bigger. There may be times those pages are completely blank and that’s okay.
If I must take time away from children who want to curl up and read a book or bake some cookies with their momma – isn’t that so much more important than having a perfectly put together calendar? If my home is completely and wonderfully organized but my children have no fond memories of time at home with momma….What does it all matter really?
Our God is a God of order and no doubt none of us can function in an environment that is chaos. But are we being realistic about what we expect from ourselves and of our homes and families? The years we have go by so quickly. It feels like yesterday my baby girl was born and in weeks she will be turning one year old. How I love being able to sit and snuggle her as she sleeps. It may be that things will not be so perfectly placed; the books will still be there. With a little here and a little there.
Ecclesiastes 3:1a – To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Jennifer King My name is Jennifer and I am so glad you’ve come by. I am a child of the King, a work in progress seeking to share and show His love and light in all that I do. I am a homeschool mother of four wonderful, sweet and very busy children. It’s busy in our home – its loud – kind of messy – and very crazy. But we live and love all we can! I am a wife – learning so very much — as I grow an pray with my wonderful husband. Learning the joys of submission, and being the help meet I was designed to be. Striving to live a life as a meek and gentle spirit. And seeking only to share the hope within me, with everyone who seeks an answer. All that I do, could not be, without my Lord and Savior. Peace Be with You all – In Jesus Name!