Appreciating Art and Studying the Composers

Art appreciation and composer study can seem daunting, but they don’t have to be! Let show your children how fun art and composers can be! Everyday Easels, on our Schoolhouse Dailies tab, offers new studies of works of art every ten days. Our subjects have ranged from digital pointillism, like the works of master pixel artist Hal Lasko, to classic paintings such as Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emmanuel Leutze. Each day we’ll look at the work of art from a different angle, exploring language arts, math, history and geography, Bible, home economics, science, and the art itself.
Our brand new Everyday Composers unit written by Julie Pierce looks at the life and work of a different composer each month. Who were these men and women? What drove them to create the music they did? What can we learn about music and history as a result? Join us as we begin our series with jazz composer John Coltrane.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
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