Art and Our World

Have you ever made a list of all the places you’d like to travel and explore? Whether you call it a bucket list or just a dream, whether it’s written down on paper or only in your mind and heart, there are special places that call to each of us. This summer, Everyday Easels: Passport Edition is going to travel to some of these places. Join us as we trek to:
Pharaoh Khufu’s pyramid at Giza
The Acropolis
The Colosseum
Hagia Sophia
Chartres Cathedral
Florence Cathedral
The Hermitage
The Seagram building
Do you have a student who wants to develop his or her artistic talents? May we suggest Art Techniques by Brenda Ellis and Studio Art for Teens by Sharon Jeffus? Brenda will take your students step by step through creating a work of art in a different medium each month. Sharon will help us study the masters and learn from their examples. Both are wonderful courses for students wanting to create an artistic legacy of their own.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC
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