Article Spotlight ~ Home Education and the Rise of Christianity in America – By Joaquin Fernandez

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Article Spotlight~
*Do you hate clichés? What about the one that says that ideas have consequences?
*Hindsight may be 20/20, but can we predict how current ideas and trends will affect our nation by the year 2020?
*If it ain’t broken…
*Is there still hope for America?
*Tired of the cliché’s and need a promise from Heaven?
Have you read the latest digital issue?
Click on the cover below to read the November/December 2013 Issue Now
Whether you are crafty or craft-challenged or whether you have big kids or little ones, use these lasts months of the year to create special gifts (and save money) with advice from Beth Foster, Evonne Mandella, and Kendra Fletcher.
Find history in the baking and eating you do during Thanksgiving and Christmas with Cathie Diez-Luckie. Get tips from favorite TOS contributors for teaching 3D computer modeling, reading (with or without phonics), Godly character, classical music, art, and more! Then follow Sheila Campbell’s advice to get away from the noise and the clamor of modern life and help your children love silence and solitude and sweet fellowship with the Lord. Enjoy November and December with TOS!
Have a great year with TOS! Read the magazine free at or on the go with the free mobile app at