How to have an Attitude of Gratitude

As Americans, November represents the traditional time to thank God for our blessings. It’s a time to celebrate memories with loved ones as we gobble down turkey and delicious pumpkin pie. It’s a time to relax from our rigorous homeschool schedules. It’s also a time to remember—we should ALWAYS have an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE!
Are you ALWAYS in a Spirit of GRATITUDE?
If not, read on.
This year has been one of the most difficult chapters in my book of life. If someone were to write my biography today, they may title this year or chapter “Painful Woes.” Yet, I am relieved to say my title for these trials, instead, would be “Bountiful Blessings!”
Here’s WHY. . . .
I’ve learned through God’s Word that trials are meant for God’s children. We are now dependent upon Him. One of the three ways to be filled with the Spirit, which includes the Spirit, is GRATITUDE. If you read Ephesians 5:20, this passage reminds us to give thanks ALWAYS for ALL things until God.
I can promise you it works. During the difficult period mentioned, I kept reminding myself of my wonderful family. In the midst of the chaos surrounding me, the peace inside me was surreal. I kept remembering His kindness, His love, and His faithfulness. I was in a spirit of GRATITUDE!
Please don’t get me wrong, I am not perfect. In fact, I fail Him. Every. Single. Day.
Yet, the Bible doesn’t have an exception for NOT being grateful. Let’s say you’re having a bad day. You can make a choice. But, is complaining to your spouse about your homeschool day or the annoying neighbor ever a good idea? The Bible says NO, according to the above verse. It says to give thanks in ALL things, not just some things.
Trials are good for us.
Everyone has horrible days, months, and even years. I’ve been there, done that. But, as Christians, we have the assurance that it’s temporary and for our own benefit. Romans 5:3-5 says it’s good for us. It produces perseverance, character, and hope. We can turn that difficult cycle of pain into a time of fellowship and blessing with the Holy Father.
As Thanksgiving approaches, are you going through struggles of your own? If so, your inquisitive spirit will enjoy meditating and studying the words of Ephesians 5:19-21.
This passage commands us to sing hymns and spiritual songs praising the Lord, not the flesh. Sing in your thoughts or sing out loud. Play some hymn music on your phone or better yet, sit down and play the piano rejoicing in Him.
Thank Him for your trials, temptations, and testimony that you serve an awesome God! He is faithful and will never forsake you.
Find ways to submit yourself to one another, including your spouse. Let go of past pain, and instead, rejoice in a new day! It’s now YOUR time to get your Attitude of GRATITUDE on!
My red, tattered, 10-year-old notebook includes my #1 reason for homeschooling. The words “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” would be the ultimate reward. With that said, would it please Him if I have an Attitude of GRATITUDE? You betcha. Would it annoy some cranky ones around me? Yep. But that’s okay. It could be contagious.
Have a wonderful and filling Thanksgiving, my fellow homeschool moms!
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that GRATITUDE is happiness doubled by wonder.” G.K. Chesterton
Natalie Fullmer is married with two children. After leaving her IT career in the healthcare industry, she decided to stay home full-time and homeschool both children. In the early days, she used boxed curriculum but has now adopted a Charlotte Mason & Eclectic-type style the last few years. She works part-time as a Virtual Assistant and teaches English to Chinese children. Natalie is also a proud member of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Besides homeschooling, her passions include raising animals on her mini farm, reading non-fiction, gardening, learning the latest tech, and sharing her minimalist approach with other homeschool moms on her blog at Favorite bible verse for encouragement is Philippians 4:13.
Great verses for us! A great comfort of knowledge for our trials and tribulations.