Hey Mama Monday: Just Remember That Every Trial Is a Part of God’s Plan
Monday, 01 January 2018
Hey Mama, I heard something about you that is pretty incredible.
You have gone through storm after storm. Trial after trial. Pain after pain.
But in the midst of it, you continue to bless others. You not only do the “bare minimum” with your kids (keeping them healthy, secure, educated, fed, and happy) but
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Winter Backyard Bird Watching
Sunday, 31 December 2017
Winter is a wonderful time for children to observe the beauty of creation through the nature around them. With only a little effort this can occur right in your own backyard. I usually prefer to enjoy winter’s beauty from inside my warm home. Just outside the window of my office stands a large maple
Vacation, Homeschool Style
Saturday, 30 December 2017
We school our children year-round. When they were young, it was so much easier to keep up math and grammar and spelling lessons all the way through the year. I noticed that both my children tended to forget math facts if we took a summer break along with the rest of the neighborhood of
Regaining Homeschool Joy
Friday, 29 December 2017
Have you ever found yourself in an emotional homeschool rut that carried on for a few months? Some might call it depression because things aren’t going as planned and the children aren’t cooperating. Others might label this as anxiety because you’re nervous about continuing this journey since it can be a bit overwhelming at
Overcoming the Winter Slump
Thursday, 28 December 2017
Do you struggle to get back into the swing of your homeschool routine after Christmas? Do all of the festivities (and sugar) leave your kids less than cooperative? Does the dreary, dark, cold weather zap your motivation to get going and make the most of your days? I have this struggle every year and
The Joy of Jigsaw Puzzles
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
1. Puzzles keep busy hands occupied during read-aloud time! 2. They can be toyed with while watching documentaries—depending on the doc. 3. They could be manipulated during memory drills. 4. They can be exploited as learning tools: puzzles of birds, butterflies, and even the elements are ample on Amazon (One film student completed a
Joy: The Second Skimmings
Tuesday, 26 December 2017
December 26: for many it’s one of the most mundane days left on the calendar. No more shopping, no more baking, and no more rushing about finding last minute gifts. New Year’s day activities play second fiddle to a well-deserved nap—after all, with everyone glued to their new toys and electronics, the quiet beckons
The Birth of Jesus
Monday, 25 December 2017
“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her