Hey Mama Monday: Your Great God and Savior Will Never Leave or Forsake You
Monday, 30 October 2017
Hey Mama, just stopping in real quick… Look up. Your great God and Savior will never leave or forsake you. Even in your darkest hour, He is there. And when joy comes in the morning, He rejoices alongside you. Never. Will. He. Leave. You. The one, ever-present friend you can count on is Jesus
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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How to Create a Unit Study Using a Child’s Book
Monday, 30 October 2017
Tops and Bottoms (a Caldecott Honor Book) by Janet Stevens is one of our favorite picture books. At first glance, one could wonder if the book is appropriate for Christian homeschoolers. After all, the main character in the story succeeds by being deceitful. However, the book can be used to teach many positive concepts.
Five Ways To Bring The Fun Back Into Your Homeschool
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Sometimes we get so caught up in the check lists, requirements, and outside pressures of homeschooling that we forget that this can really be a great adventure and lots of fun if we approach it that way. If you are finding yourself in a rut in your homeschool here are some ideas to shake
15 Creative Ways Music Will Enhance Your Homeschool
Saturday, 28 October 2017
I grew up in a musical home. My father was in a top 40s band, The Knight Kats (isn’t that so clever?!), and my mother sang in the band and in choir at church. Music was just what happened in our home; it wasn’t forced upon my sister and I. It became my favorite
5 Ways That Kill A Child’s Love for History
Friday, 27 October 2017
“I liked about every subject, except history.” Shock followed by sadness swept over me when a friend shared this fact about her childhood education. Since treasuring stories of yore was a natural pastime during my childhood, it was news that anyone – let alone a child – would not like history. Which in turn
Do You Need A Homeschool Redo?
Thursday, 26 October 2017
You know who you are. You started your school year with every “i” dotted and every “t” crossed. You spent productive days during the summer weeding through every nook and cranny of your house. You set aside planning days for your homeschool, armed with decorated planning journals, washi tape and sparkly pens. On the
Preparing to Travel
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Can children still travel long distances without electronics? After traveling 14 hours to Florida for our last vacation in one day and about 24 hours back with the “Exodus out of Florida” over two days, I can now say… “most of the time”. “Are we there yet?” “How much longer?” “I’m bored!” These are
It’s All About the Heart
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
As I sat and watched my 10-year-old daughter draw this beautiful little masterpiece pictured above, I began to think about her little heart. It is so tender and open to learn whatever my husband and I teach her. That is a HUGE responsibility. She takes to heart anything we say or do. She follows