Finding a Purpose
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
One of those tough questions asked by high school students is “What’s my purpose?” Our new video series, Living Life with a Purpose, is designed to help them whether they are searching for meaning or adventure, feeling overwhelmed or under motivated, or are struggling with facing the unknown or themselves in the mirror. This
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Peculiar People
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
There is a line that we just don’t cross in this life; it’s the line between rational behaviour and irrational behaviour (a.k.a. craziness). You might not see the line, but you sure do know when you’ve crossed it. The looks, the stares, you know what I’m talking about! Our spiritual heritage however, is one
The Tween Phase
Monday, 22 August 2016
I let out a heavy sigh as I considered the events of the morning. Holding firmly to my cup of hot tea, I prayed for wisdom. My morning initially seemed promising. Despite the horrific discovery we were out of coffee, I was determined. We were preparing to move, but a change in the closing
What’s In a Name?
Monday, 22 August 2016
Names have meaning. Nowhere is this more evident than in Scripture. God gave people names for very specific reasons. He even changed people’s names to reflect their new relationship with Him. God Himself has many different names. Elementary students can learn these names through a series of ten downloadable picture books in the new
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
Can We Homeschool One More Year?
Friday, 19 August 2016
This is the question that I begin asking myself before the previous year is even over. Can we homeschool one more year? This is a pressing question in lots of ways for me. First, I am even doing enough to make sure that my children are getting the education that they need as well
Know Your Child Today
Thursday, 18 August 2016
One of the most fun things to do with a newborn baby is to see who he looks like. From the very start, we look at these beautiful children with comparing eyes ready to categorize them in some way. From your dad’s eyes to your brother’s pouty lip, we look for the familiar, don’t
A Guide to What and When
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Would you like some guidance when it comes to knowing what to teach and when to teach it? can help you with that. Our brand-new Scope and Sequence will provide you with a detailed list of the academic goals traditionally held for each grade level. You can search by subject if you need
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
30 Years From Now
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
Thirty years from now you will probably be looking at what is being built upon the foundation you are forming now. That can be both a sobering and exciting thought, (for me anyhow.) Often an in the middle of the night thought. Many of us are sliding into home plate as far as school