In The Beginning
Monday, 04 July 2016
Everything must start somewhere. It is just as true for our planet as it is for learning a foreign language. That’s why we have two new courses to help you with those topics. Beginning Latin with Antoinette Franklin is a full-year course designed for children of all ages. Though Latin is not a native
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
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Here’s One for the Books
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Do you want to hear something absolutely amazing? now has a Literacy Center! There is no need to look elsewhere for a curriculum to help teach your child to read. Your membership now includes one. Our Literacy Center is designed to help you determine where to begin reading instruction with your child. You
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
Crossing the Finish Line
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Homeschool in the Strachan house is about to roll to a stop for a brief summer break, and I’m extremely excited, probably even giddy with delight. Five-year-olds hyped up on cotton candy and orange soda while riding bumper cars at the carnival can’t quite rival my excitement. I’m ready for a few weeks where there
Creative Ways to Practice Academics
Monday, 27 June 2016
From the time the temperature begins to warm in the spring, until the chill of fall sets in, my children are usually found outside. Between exploring the wonders of nature and expending energy at play, I have to find creative ways to practice academics. Although my children love a good book, they would rather be
The Best Laid Plans
Monday, 27 June 2016
I have a child who almost can’t function without a plan. Disorganization is her enemy. Does this describe you or your child, too? If so, our new organizational tool could be just what you need. The staff at is busy creating lesson plans for each course that will allow you to specify to
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
Explore the World From Home: Host an International Student
Friday, 24 June 2016
As homeschoolers, we often seek positive learning experiences outside of traditional academic work. One of the ways our family learns about the world is through hosting International Students. We’ve been borrowing other people’s children for many years. We started with fostering and later began hosting secondary school students from other countries. We’ve had students
Fun Ways to Enjoy Nature Study in the Spring and Summer
Thursday, 23 June 2016
I have to admit that I’ve never been an “outdoorsy” person. Bugs, pollen, dirt- I’m not a big fan of these. But I have wanted to expose my kids to nature and guide them to learn about and appreciate the things that God has made. So I’ve always made a deliberate effort to get
A Broad Horizon
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
The possibilities can be limitless, fueled by your imagination and passion! That is what it means to homeschool; the horizon is indeed broad! Doing something new or unknown can produce amazing results. If you are uncomfortable with your current school situation, want to provide your children with the most effective curriculum for their ability,