From Decimals to Diagrams
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Math is a multifaceted wonder! With each new math concept we learn, we can understand our world a little bit better. It has application to nearly every subject. There is math in music, art, science, and Bible, just to name a few. Students can turn to for help with their math skills. Pre-Algebra with
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Will You Accept the Challenge?
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
One thing I love about teaching my own kids and teaching at our co-op is that I have an opportunity to challenge students. If a student isn’t stretched educationally, they will often not know what they are capable of. Michele Peterson has put together a weekly Photography Challenge. Elementary, middle school, and high school students
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Sing for Joy
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
I love to sing, but I don’t sing well. That’s why I love Joy Sikorski’s Music/Voice class. This course encourages those who take it to be comfortable with the voice God has given them and to use it, regardless of what they or others may think. The whole family can benefit from this course as
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You Always Have a Choice
Monday, 11 May 2015
If you’ve homeschooled for any length of time, you realize that choices abound. What curricula will we use? What will we do for PE this year? What field trips will provide the most education? Will today be a pajama day? is going to add to your choices. We simply don’t want your children to
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A Thread in the Tapestry
Saturday, 09 May 2015
A tapestry is created by the weaving of seemingly unrelated threads. When we look at a single blue thread, we can’t see the end result when that blue is mixed with a myriad of other threads. So, it is sometimes with school subjects. My children sometimes do not see the relationship between science and art
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This Isn’t Your Mama’s History Class
Friday, 08 May 2015
Don’t let anybody try to convince you that school needs to be a dry regurgitation of facts in order for children to learn. Homeschooling affords us the opportunity to really have fun with school. SchoolhouseTeachers know this and provide some really exciting courses for our students. Take Renaissance History with Rhonda Clark. This 36-week course
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The Homeschool Minute ~ Geography on the Go
Thursday, 07 May 2015
Geography on the Go The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is YOUR trade magazine for family education. Stay subscribed to this newsletter because this is the place where we give FREE education gifts on a regular basis. Read the magazine anytime, 24/7, at It’s the Family Education Magazine! Hey Mama Gena Suarez, Publisher of
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Use Your Experience to Bless Others
Thursday, 07 May 2015
There are teachers on who have a real heart for making students aware of issues in the world today. They want students to be able to think critically and not be led astray. Lisa Duffy is one such teacher. Through her Logic course, Lisa teaches students to analyze statements, advertisements, and arguments in order
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