Foreign Languages
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Have your children ever wanted to learn a foreign language? has more choices than ever before for your student of any age to begin discovering another language and culture. In addition to our ongoing French lessons by Greg Shone, which are now in their second year, our elementary Spanish lessons by Carol Henderson, and
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Article Spotlight ~ 7 Questions Homeschool Parents Ask – By Deborah Wuehler
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Click on the Article Below to Read Article Spotlight~ *Either studies happen and housework is neglected, or housework is all completed and studies are neglected! Help! *What do you do when homeschooling is more of a burden than a joy? *I have a troublesome teen. Now what? *Need practical ways to organize and
- Published in Article Spotlight, Blog, Magazine
A Trip Around the World
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Do your kids think it would be fun to travel? Use to travel without having to leave the comfort of your home. Everyday Explorers, located in the Dailies section, has traveled through the United States, Canada, and Australia and New Zealand. Exploration of these countries takes you on a detailed look at each of
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
The March/April 2014 Issue Is Here
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Grab your laptop or mobile device, put your feet up, and let The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine help you homeschool with reassurance, reinforcement, and success! Visit or download the free app from Follow The Old Schoolhouse: Download Our Apps:
- Published in Announcements, Blog, Magazine
Classes in the Classics
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
The past is alive on! Don’t miss Classical History with Jennifer Courtney in both the Pre-K/Elementary and Middle/High School class offerings. You can study ancient civilizations from the Egyptians through the fall of Rome. Suggested reading and extra resources are included for all ages. In Classical Archaeology, Regan Barr will be teaching about the
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
Guest Post by Debbie Annett
Monday, 10 March 2014
HOW YOU CAN KEEP STUDENTS ENGAGED DURING YOUR CO-OP CLASS Are you a parent teaching a homeschool co-op class? Do you sometimes wonder, “How am I going to keep these kids focused and interested in what is going on in my class?” (Especially if it is right before lunch, and all they can think about
- Published in Blog, Guest Writer
Using Art as a Unit Study
Monday, 10 March 2014
This month take an interesting look at Native American culture through Everyday Easels in our Schoolhouse Dailies where we will spend two weeks looking at Little Sister by Carol Theroux. Your children will have a chance to use pastels, learn about Native American history and do some research of their own, study bison which were
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
TOS Magazine is Live!
Saturday, 08 March 2014
Hey Fans!! It is “LIVE” … It is ready for you to DOWNLOAD now! GO GET YOUR TOS MAGAZINE!
- Published in Announcements, Blog, Magazine