Count Your Blessings
Friday, 18 October 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Someone once said… Just click the play button to listen.
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A Moment with The Homeschool Minute ~ The Familyman – Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries
Friday, 18 October 2013
Click on the banner below to sign up for the Homeschool Minute eNewsletter, and receive weekly encouragement to guide you along your homeschooling journey. The Familyman Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries Let me just say that I believe all children have a God-planned career path. The problem is most of us homeschool parents freak out because
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Weekly Newsletter-The Homeschool Minute
What’s New in Schoolhouse Spelling and Science
Friday, 18 October 2013
From breaking down the Scientific Method to breaking down spelling and vocabulary terms, can help. From stating your hypothesis to conducting experiments, analyzing data to forming a conclusion, let Anna Crisostomo introduce your upper elementary and middle school children to the steps of the Scientific Method. They just might be amazed to discover
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
College Recruiting
Thursday, 17 October 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Colleges are recruiting… Just click the play button to listen.
A Moment with The Homeschool Minute ~ Hey Mama – Gena Suarez, Publisher of TOS
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Click on the banner below to sign up for the Homeschool Minute E-Newsletter, and receive weekly encouragement to guide you along your homeschooling journey. Hey Mama Gena Suarez, Publisher of TOS Hey Mama, Whether your teen is panicking over college entrance essays or considering setting up his own business, God
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Weekly Newsletter-The Homeschool Minute
What’s New on our Trade Route Safari
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Have your children ever explored Kuwait, Iraq, Yemen, or Saudi Arabia? Have they ever had a chance to meet a desert hedgehog or a mountain gazelle in person? Safari Saeed has, and he wants to share his experiences with you! Join Saeed as he leads your family along the ancient trade routes of Asia, through
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
Welcome to our Spotlight on Subjects!
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Welcome Home Educators to Spotlight on Subjects! Here you’ll find great products from our advertisers focusing on the subjects you most need to teach in this new Spotlight on Subjects eNewsletter. This month the focus is on history/social studies and the company and all they can offer your students. Keep reading to learn
- Published in Blog, Homeschool Resources-Spotlight on Subject
Dad and Homeschool
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Paul Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Hey dad how are… Just click the play button to listen.