Transitions with Teens
Saturday, 12 October 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Pulling a teenager out of… Just click the play button to listen.
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A Moment with The Homeschool Minute ~ Raising Real Men – Hal & Melanie Young
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Click on the banner below to sign up for the Homeschool Minute eNewsletter, and receive weekly encouragement to guide you along your homeschooling journey. Raising Real Men Hal & Melanie Young, Living with a learning disability involves more than difficulty with schoolwork. Many social situations assume reading and writing skills that may
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Weekly Newsletter-The Homeschool Minute
What’s New in Science and Online Course Tracking
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Exploding sandwich bags, baking soda and vinegar, and chemical reactions—it can only be Jason Lindsey getting your kids Hooked on Science on Each Wednesday, Jason takes normal household ingredients and shows you how to bring science to life for your students. His fun instructional videos and printable directions give you the perfect opportunity to
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
When Doubt Creeps In
Friday, 11 October 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. No one said… Just click the play button to listen.
A Moment with The Homeschool Minute ~ The Familyman – Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries
Friday, 11 October 2013
Click on the banner below to sign up for the Homeschool Minute E-Newsletter, and receive weekly encouragement to guide you along your homeschooling journey. The Familyman Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries About the time you’re reading this, we’re tooling down the highway to begin our 2013 Big Loop speaking tour. First stop, Greenville, Tennessee (near
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Weekly Newsletter-The Homeschool Minute
What’s new in Daily Grammar and on the Library Shelves
Friday, 11 October 2013
Have you seen the new school year’s material in Daily Grammar? In 2012-2013, we covered Grammar at about the 4th grade level. This year, we are reviewing what we learned in past lessons and covering Grammar and Language skills at a 5th grade level. Join us as we explore verbs, nouns, sentences, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs,
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
Why Do You Homeschool
Thursday, 10 October 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Why are you homeschooling?… Just click the play button to listen.
A Moment with The Homeschool Minute ~ Mercy Every Minute – Deborah Wuehler, TOS Senior Editor
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Click on the banner below to sign up for the Homeschool Minute E-Newsletter, and receive weekly encouragement to guide you along your homeschooling journey. Mercy Every Minute Deborah Wuehler, TOS Senior Editor We have written an abundance of articles about special learners over the years, through The Homeschool Minute™ email, and through
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Weekly Newsletter-The Homeschool Minute