Can’t Do It All
Monday, 09 September 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. I’m often asked… Just click the play button to listen.
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Article Spotlight ~The Homeschooler’s “No-Condemnation” Frugal Lifestyle
Monday, 09 September 2013
Click on the Article Below to Read Article Spotlight~ *How should homeschoolers practice a frugal lifestyle? No judging, no comparison, and no condemnation. *Are you overwhelmed with tips and suggestions for frugal living? *Find 5 tips for no-condemnation frugality. *The heart of frugality is contentment that’s revealed in the stewardship of our resources.
- Published in Article Spotlight, Blog, Magazine
What’s New on in How to Write and Produce a Play
Monday, 09 September 2013
Marci Hanks has shown us how to choose what kind of play we want to produce, decide who our characters are, and what conflicts they will face. This month, we will determine where our story begins, what will happen during the play, and what the climax will be. We’ll also decide another key element of
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
A Blank Page
Saturday, 07 September 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Are your kids longing to… Just click the play button to listen.
What’s New on in Freebies and Extra Discounts
Saturday, 07 September 2013
Sale. Free. Those are two of the most encouraging words you can find when you are trying to stretch your budget and make every dollar accomplish multiple things. We understand that at and want to help you in as many ways as we can. In addition to having complete access to over 60 classes
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers
Welcome to our monthly Spotlight on Five! ~ Struggling Readers
Friday, 06 September 2013
Welcome to our monthly Spotlight on Five! Working with Struggling Readers Judi Munday, M.A.; M.Ed. Special Needs Educational Consultant Struggling readers often experience difficulty with decoding and comprehension. Beginning readers tend to put most of their energy decoding or “reading” every word. Your child may be able to read phonetically regular words; but according
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Homeschool Resources- Spotlight on 5
A Good Start Handwriting
Friday, 06 September 2013
With another Homeschool Minute from The Homeschool Channel, here is Gena Suarez, Publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. Want your toddler to… Just click the play button to listen.
What’s New on in Experience Videomaking
Friday, 06 September 2013
Learn how to make fun, creative videos right from home using free online software with Evonne Mandella, formerly our Hands-on Hebrew instructor. This month, we’ll take a look at how to get started, how to choose a theme and style, what a storyboard is and how it works, and some ways we can use videos
- Published in Blog, Schoolhouse Teachers