The “B” Word

I cringe every time I hear this word said in our home, and as the days become wetter and colder, I seem to hear it frequently throughout the day.
“I’m bored, Momma. There’s nothing to do.”
I am a firm believer that our kids NEED to be bored.
I don’t think I knew this phrase when I was their age, honestly.
We didn’t even have computers, television, video game consoles, or iPads.
We had books and a library card; lots of crayons and paper and more books. More importantly, we had our imaginations!
My fondest memories were of tea parties with my teddy bears; sitting and reading of places far away and people from long ago. Crafting and creating.
As a homeschool momma, I admit that I sometimes struggle to let my children be bored. Perhaps it’s because I feel responsible for them; maybe it’s because I worry about what they ought to do instead of waiting to see what they might do with the opportunity before them. There are possibilities in their moments of boredom.
Recently, I told my children that using the “B” word is no longer allowed. A friend pointed out when our kids are using this word it shows a problem with their attitude. I know many of us consider this just a word, yet there is so much more said than we realize. What is in the heart? Where is the spirit of love and joy and grace? Can we search our hearts; show our children the value of creating a life of gratitude and contentment without boredom?
I think of Paul, who said in Philippians 4:12, “I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” Isn’t this something we want our children to know? This is powerful learning!
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) How can we give thanks in everything, if we do not look for what we should be thankful for in all things?
We do a great disservice to our children when we allow them to “need” screens and constant entertainment. We cannot always “do,” sometimes we just have to “be.” We need to turn off everything, leave them alone with their thoughts; give them the opportunity to dream, to be inspired, and to notice all of God’s creation around them.
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. How about some pieces of wood? Paint and paper? Magnifying glasses, a microscope, buttons, and chalk, bubbles, rope, and yarn; I could go on and on. Simple things. Little things. Things that will inspire our children and get them thinking anew.
I do believe it is in these still, small, peaceful moments that great things come to us. Let us, let them, be bored — this is my cry to myself and each of you.
Perhaps then, we can see the opportunity that is this thing called boredom.
Jennifer King My name is Jennifer and I am so glad you’ve come by. I am a child of the King, a work in progress seeking to share and show His love and light in all that I do. I am a homeschool mother of four wonderful, sweet and very busy children. It’s busy in our home – its loud – kind of messy – and very crazy. But we live and love all we can! I am a wife – learning so very much — as I grow and pray with my wonderful husband. Learning the joys of submission, and being the help meet I was designed to be. Striving to live a life as a meek and gentle spirit. And seeking only to share the hope within me, with everyone who seeks an answer. All that I do, could not be, without my Lord and Savior. Peace Be with You all – In Jesus Name!