The Benefits of Joining a Homeschool Group

Some homeschoolers are reluctant to join a local homeschool group, but there are many benefits I have found by being a part of mine. Here are a few examples:
1. Connecting with other Families
This is probably the most obvious reason to join a local homeschool group. Sometimes, homeschooling can be very lonely for you and/or your children. I love being able to connect to other parents and children who share in my decision to homeschool. I’ve made friends and mentors with like-minded values that I very much cherish.
Also, there are great people in my group that I can go to for advice and reviews on curriculum—including some giving first dibs to members on things they’re selling. I’ve even been given some material by other homeschoolers, for free!
2. Field Trips and Other Events
Getting involved with other homeschoolers is a great way to find out about events in your area, specifically for homeschoolers. I’ve heard about many homeschool days, discounts, and events from veteran homeschoolers in my group. We also have many field trips throughout the year for all ages. Many times, these are places and learning opportunities that we otherwise would not have access to. We also plan events for members, including science fairs, prom, graduation, and more!
3. Classes and Co-ops
While some people dislike co-ops, other people really enjoy them! I’m not currently part of one, and don’t plan on it anytime soon. However, if you’d like to try one, look out to see if there’s any co-ops in your area.
If co-ops aren’t your thing, some members of homeschool groups host classes that are free to attend! We’ve had people do crafting classes, language classes, and science classes for homeschoolers in our group. I find it helpful if there are classes being taught that are not one of my particular strengths. Also, sometimes it’s fun to learn right along with them!
If you are interested in finding a group in your area, try asking around on social media, or asking your state homeschool groups. I hope you’ll give joining a group or co-op a chance!
Jenna Holder is a SAHM of four littles, two of which are homeschooled. She’s a devoted wife and christian. She spends her time, reading, writing and being an active member of her church. Follow along with her chaotic life at for encouragement on experiencing the peace of God.