Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Mentor Me

hey mama
  In the early years of homeschooling, I had some wonderful mentors in my local homeschool group, true women of God who studied Him and revealed His life through their homeschooling. Before I knew it, or was even ready, I was the mentor to others although I never felt capable or qualified. It is an
beautiful for fall
  Have you ever seen such an anticipation for fall? I’m seeing an explosion of pumpkins and pumpkin spice everywhere. I think it is perhaps because we are all so weary of quarantine restrictions and shut-downs. The world seems crazy, and maybe the crispness of fall will take a bite out of the nasty, which

Celebrate Thanksgiving the Pilgrim Way

celebrate thanksgiving
  The Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock barely made it through the first winter. Many died from sickness, and those that were left were weak and frightened. Still they soldiered on, determined to make it in the new land with the help of their Heavenly Father. Spring brought a Christian Native American named Squanto
ways to celebrate advent
  Do you celebrate advent in your homeschool? I remember, as a kid, awaiting Christmas morning for days on end. We would celebrate Christmas by baking cookies, setting up a Christmas tree and lights, and attending parties in the days of December leading up to the big day. After about fifteen minutes of opening presents,

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).