How to Choose the Perfect Homeschool Planner
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Since we unschool, you might think that the perfect homeschool planner for me would be no planner. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Just because we pursue passions doesn’t mean we are disorganized. After all, most people plan vacations to places they really want to visit. Planning ensures that they don’t miss
- Published in - Planning and Organization, Articles, Blog
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Hey Mama Monday: Mama, I Don’t Get It
Monday, 15 June 2020
“I Don’t Get It!” Have you felt unprepared and unqualified to teach? Do you lack knowledge? It is actually easy to find the knowledge you need either through teacher’s manuals, internet searches, libraries, or your own research. But maybe there are those days where you just don’t understand the big picture, you feel like
- Published in - Christian Upbringing, - Faith, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Using Literature to Teach Place Value
Friday, 12 June 2020
Many of us use a curriculum to teach math, but using literature to teach math can be a great teaching tool. I am continuing this math literature series with some of the best books to teach place value. With my love for literature and math, it only makes sense to combine the two so
- Published in - Resources, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Fourth of July Homeschool Resources
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Ignite the fire of patriotism in your child’s heart with Fourth of July homeschooling. Look back at the foundation that America was built upon and encourage your children that we can move forward with renewed hope, faith, and understanding, regardless of how things look in our nation today. 4th of July Homeschool Resources
- Published in - Holidays, - Resources, Articles, Blog