Spring Fever – The Homeschool Way

spring fever
  I know I am not alone in wishing a winter a satisfying goodbye. It’s not that winter here in the Midwest has been very violent this year…it’s just been maudlin and unpredictable. And wet. Very wet. I am more than anxious for the first bloom of spring. The sunny breezy days and the increase

Comparison Games

comparison games
  Are you a victim of the social media entrapment? This entrapment boasts of perfection. It snares the innocent-minded mother and binds her with feelings of inferiority. Our friends’ perfect lives are plastered all over social media. Envy creeps in, and before long disdain fills our lives. A friend posts a calming picture of their
afford to homeschool
  If I had a quarter for every time I’ve said or heard, “I wish we could homeschool, but we can’t afford it,” affordability for our family wouldn’t be an issue. That phrase, whether in reference to curriculum or living on one income, is one of the most common responses to the “we can’t homeschool”
hey mama
Hey Mama, You have freedom to love, freedom to make choices—good or bad—and freedom to pray. Freedom to read God’s word openly and as often as you want. Freedom to hide Bible verses in your heart (and your kids’ hearts). Freedom to discipline your children in love, to build their character, to mold them into

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).