Habits Bring Peace, Mama
Monday, 10 April 2023
Classical education and Charlotte Mason education both vouch for creating good habits and starting them when the children are young. There are so many benefits that result from the forming of good habits. Peace is one of them. Wouldn’t we all like a dose of peace in our homeschool days? It took me a few
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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10 Rainy Day Activities for Homeschooling Families
Wednesday, 05 April 2023
Spring often brings those April showers that bring the beautiful May flowers. When the day is rainy, making nature study and playing outside out of the question, it’s time to have fun inside. Here are 10 homeschooling activities for rainy days. Put Together a Floor Puzzle These are fun anytime. I love to do map
- Published in - Games and Activities, Blog
What’s a Co-op, and How Do You Start One, Mama?
Monday, 03 April 2023
Hey Mama, If you’re wondering whether joining a co-op is the right thing for your family, read these articles. “To Co-op or Not to Co-Op-That is the Question“ “10 Essential Elements of a Successful Homeschool Co-op“ Now here’s some encouragement as you make decisions about co-ops, curriculum, and other things. You have freedom to love,
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Literature-Based Learning, Mama
Monday, 27 March 2023
I am not an expert on literature-based learning, as we are a bit eclectic in style. (If you are wondering about styles, take a look at back issues of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine or explore literature courses at SchoolhouseTeachers.com.) But I can say that, after teaching more than twenty years, my children have learned exponentially
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday