Outdoor Play & Family Field Days

  Spring is finally here and with that comes ample opportunities to enjoy a few homeschool sunshine days. Sometimes, we use our time outside as a break from our school day; however, we appreciate learning outside too. Since my children are in vast age groups, I have to be creative in choosing lessons and activities

Hey Mama Monday: Mama, You Did It!

hey mama
Hey Mama, You got through today. You did it. And I know there were moments you suffered from “mad mama” syndrome, but what’s done is done. Good thing your Father is patient and your kids so forgiving. They love you. I think it’s good they see the crud sometimes. They are experiencing real life. You’re
spring homeschool activities
Ah, spring! Nature bursts with new life and hints at the warmer days to come. After so many months indoors, we can’t wait to get outside. Even with crisp mornings and threats of rain, I look forward to planning spring homeschool activities with my children. I try to incorporate as many relevant outdoor experiences as

Wildflower Walk

wildflower walk
Do you know what my favorite time of year is? SPRING!!! I’m writing this in the doldrums of February and quite honestly about to go a little nuts. I’ve been stuck inside the house with 4 kids for the last week while it’s been raining and about 36 degrees for the high. So SPRING is

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).