productive homeschool
  One morning as our children were happily playing, a dear friend and I eagerly talked (over our favorite coffee) about the culture of our homeschools. In the midst of our discussion on memory work, literature selections, and math manipulatives, we engaged in the concept of a restful schooling. As former classroom teachers, this was
hey mama
Hey Mama, How come you keep muttering under your breath again? What’s “Epic Mama Fail” you have been whispering? Perish the thought. Get rid of it. Yeah, we all blow it. There are days we act really dumb, and times we wish we could rewind the clock backwards (20 years?). Kicking ourselves when we’re already

3 Truths About Homeschooling

about homeschooling
  As homeschooling families, we always read or hear mixed feelings regarding our calling. Whether the words are positive or negative, they can leave us with mixed feelings of our own. Regardless if you’ve been homeschooling for several years or you’re just beginning your journey, here are 3 homeschooling truths to ponder.   1. Homeschooling

Twenty Homeschool Resolutions for 2020

homeschool resolutions
The New Year is here. A New Year provides us with a clean slate, per se. We use the New Year as an opportunity to change and to grow. We make resolutions about everything from our health to our finances. This year, I am making resolutions about our family’s homeschool. Actually, I am making twenty

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).