Creative Play for National Spaghetti Day
Thursday, 02 January 2020
One of our favorite silly days to celebrate in January is National Spaghetti Day. Each year, I gather up my cool kids for some fun art, a little cooking lesson, and of course a tasty spaghetti meal. In preparation for this delightful day, I thought I’d share my favorite things to do for this wacky
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog
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Hey Mama Monday: Have a Blessed New Year, Mama
Monday, 30 December 2019
Hey Mama, So much to be thankful for. Look at this time last year. You have grown. There have been trials, tribulations, problems, hurtful seasons, and pain. There has also been joy, new life, friends who have stayed closer than a brother, and blessings from the Lord’s hand so direct that you know it
- Published in - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Winter Wellness
Friday, 27 December 2019
Shorter days and colder weather can lead to some bad habits. People who normally exercise and eat their vegetables may find themselves sitting indoors and eating junk food during the winter. Your health is important through each season of the year and even more so during the winter months. Here are five tips for