The Priority of Remaining Joyful

choose joy
  Joy. A tiny three-letter word that encompasses so much of what our lives as Christians ought to be marked by but often seems so evasive. Joy-less-ness is, sadly, more prevalent and prominent among Christians who homeschool than joy. Is there a solution? First, we need to honestly admit that a lifestyle of home education

Writing a Cozy Mystery for High School

senior project
  It’s that time in our high school homeschooling where we write a novel. This year we are writing a cozy mystery. Yes, I decided years ago, that all of my children would spend one year in high school writing a novel. It’s been fun but also such a learning experience, and, as an added

10 Life Skills to Teach Your Kids

life skills
  Relaxing in front of the television after a long day, I was not thrilled when one of my children entered the room to inform me that a toilet was clogged. That’s the last thing that I wanted to hear. Feeling quite lethargic, I considered my options. Did I need to deal with the issue

Hey Mama Monday: You Are Faithful, Mama

hey mama
  Sometimes you just want to call up a friend, a mom who’s “been there, done that.” Someone who can relate, who won’t cast judgment, who will just listen to your heart. Sometimes you need a shoulder, another mom who has walked the path, whose kids are grown now and doing just fine. Has your

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).