Lessons Learned from an Ox

lessons learned
  Once, in a Bible study group, we were asked to share a recent passage that had impacted us. Since I had been reading through Proverbs, I knew immediately which verse I was going to use. I also knew it was going to raise a few eyebrows. “Where no oxen are, the crib is clean:
hey mama
  What does homeschooling mean to you? Are you doing it because it’s a current popular trend or just convenient? Maybe you travel a lot or your kids have special needs? Is it just a means to an end? Were your children being bullied in public school and you thought this would be the solution?
interest-based science
  Recently, my husband asked me to find a new Bible study for my younger son and him to do together. They had been doing a chronological overview of the Bible using the graphic novel style Action Bible. When they finished that, they discussed the Gospel message. Then, my husband felt that an apologetics type
public school
  I have to start by saying our kids have been homeschooled from the beginning. A few years ago when we were moving across the country, our oldest was an upcoming freshman. We were moving into a high school that looked great on paper. I had a few good reasons for considering public school for

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).