Time-Out for Mommies

  I don’t know about you, but sometimes (okay, many times) I have to send my kids to a room or a chair to just chill out! It usually is met with protests, but as a general rule, works wonders to cool down tempers or make friends out of hostile siblings again. Lately, I’ve been
The days are getting warmer, longer, and the kids are getting sweaty.  When the weather gets nice, one of my kiddos’ favorite treats is yogurt smoothies.  We have made a few different flavors over the years, and have a few favorites.  Smoothies are easy to make (even with kiddos) and inexpensive.  My kiddos’ top two
hey mama
Hey Mama, I heard you are drowning. You thought you were going to wake up and start a fresh new day, lots would get done, and you’d go to bed tonight content that so much was accomplished. It’s not looking that way, though, and the day is already underway and moving too fast. Your first
  The sin that pops out over and over again to me as I journey slowly through the Bible with my kids is simple: We forget God. Adam and Even forgot about God when they ate the fruit from the tree. All the people from Noah’s time forgot God, except for Noah and his close

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).