Teaching Options for Teens

teaching options
  As you plan a high school program for your teen, remember a variety of teaching options exist, all of them worthy of consideration. Because teens are unique and post high school goals vary, the core academic and elective courses needed for each year will differ for each teen. Once you determine the courses your

Why NOT to Skip Workshops

  As the largest Christian-themed attractions in the world, Answers in Genesis’s (AiG) twin sites the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter, offer many benefits to homeschooling families. But one aspect that is easy to miss is the workshops offered at both sites. In case you’re tempted to skip these, let me share why you—and especially
hey mama
Hey Mama, Homeschooling can be a wild ride! I wasn’t trained to be a homeschool mama. Who is? But hey, it’s fun. I like having my kids with me, and they’re learning! However, it’s the questions that drive me batty. A question here, a comment there–this is fine; don’t get me wrong. But imagine the
  I know I can’t be the only mom that has a set list of things I must do every single day. I also know I can’t be the only mom that falls short of completing this list, more often than not.  Get husband out the door Make sure I have my quiet time before

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).