playroom floor
  My kids can turn a clean space into a disastrous danger zone in about 15 minutes flat.  Thankfully, they have also learned, by frequent practice, how to turn that same space back into neatness, in about the same amount of time. I noticed a pattern, from when they were very small, that is still
hey mama
  Hey Mama, May your children rise up and call you blessed. That’s in Proverbs 31, as you know. Sometimes you look at that and think, “Yeah, right.” It’s hard to see all the monkeys who constantly make bad decisions and whom you are always having to pull down off the walls. Popcorn. These kids


  You often hear of grace: grace from God, giving grace, receiving grace, saying grace, but what does that really mean? Is it something you can rely upon? Those days when you feel less than whole and at your worst, do you really deserve grace? Maybe you’ve yelled at your children again? Maybe you feel

Homeschool Success in April

  Take a deep breath… Now slowly exhale. Ready or not, homeschooling mother, it… is… APRIL… For many of us who are homeschooling, April is truly our make or break month. You can, with one quick glance at your homeschool bookcase, determine exactly which subjects are on the verge of completion for the year…and which

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).