  As a teenager myself, I am aware of the peer pressure often tied to “success” that exists within the minds and hearts of today’s youth. The need to receive an outstanding test score so that one is able to attend a particular university. The need to generate a certain level of income by a

First Things

  One Sunday we actually made it to church early, and an elderly saint asked how homeschooling was going. I admitted that some days we didn’t seem to accomplish a thing. “Did you read them the Bible?” she asked. “Yes.” “Then you did accomplish something.” The truth of her words resonated, strengthening with time. At

Finding Beauty in Winter

beauty in winter
  Where we live, snow is a novelty. It is something we are lucky to encounter once a year.  It is the light in an otherwise dreary winter; a discovery every time it happens. It brings this joy and hope with it. The world suddenly looks clean and fresh and new. It always seems to

Having Fun With Food Labels

food labels
  Since March is National Nutrition Month, it is the perfect time to incorporate a lesson or two on nutrition. No matter what ages your children are, there are ways to teach them about the foods and drinks they consume each day and why they matter. One fun way to do this is to make

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).