Hey Mama Monday: What It Means to Delight Yourself in the Lord
Monday, 26 November 2018
Hey Mama, What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord? When you smile at the thought of Him. When you can’t wait to say a quick prayer, proclaiming that you love Him. When you run to Him, whether because of a need or just to be with Him. Do we live our
- Published in Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
A Saturday Visit to Mesa Falls Idaho
Saturday, 24 November 2018
Summer road trips—just hearing these words elicits memories of hours spent rolling along a bland interstate, stopping only for bathroom breaks or a meal. These were some of the trips of my childhood when our dad would have set a time for arrival at our hotel (early in the afternoon) so he might be
- Published in - Games and Activities, Articles, Blog
Finding Your Worth As A Stay-At-Home Mom
Friday, 23 November 2018
We live in a culture where one’s worth is often directly connected to their occupation. The position I find most scrutinized is that of a stay-at-home mom. Think about it. If you met a new group of people and learned the occupation of each during introductions, would you view differently a doctor compared to
- Published in - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog