Seeking Our Lambs

  When Christ came to earth, one mission was especially close to His heart. The mission’s rhythm beats steadily throughout all the gospels, but one line in Luke is like a closing cadence to Messiah’s song: “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10 So,

Our Favorite Thanksgiving Read Alouds

  Thanksgiving is a great time of year to read a good book aloud together. It could be a chapter book, reading one or two chapters a day, or a picture book every day. Here are our very favorite Thanksgiving read-alouds: Pilgrim Stories This is my favorite Thanksgiving read-aloud. We read a chapter or two

Hug Your Season

seasons of life
  I’m not alone in my adoration of autumn. There is something magical in the advent of fuzzy socks, hot apple cider, and our annual leaf nature study. Or maybe this is just what our homeschool looks like. I also can’t be the only one who has been busy “pinning” pumpkin recipes alternately with pumpkin

Teaching Science Without Textbooks

  One of Clarissa’s favorite things to do is to read. It is also one of her favorite ways to learn. If we read about it in a book (or watch a show on TV), she is more likely to remember it. She will bring up facts that we read about months ago that I

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).