How to Choose an Online Class
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
So, it’s the end of the school year in our home and I’m already thinking about next year. It seems I’m not alone because, in the past week, two moms have asked me about curriculum choices. In particular, they were both asking about online courses. This has been on my mind lately, as well.
- Published in - Resources, Articles, Blog
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Games Galore
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
I have always enjoyed playing educational games, but as a homeschool mom, I now see the value of purchasing games galore when they’re used to reinforce a learning concept. Here are a few family favorites. Tally Rally is a fast-paced equation game. Simple to learn, but challenging enough for math puzzle addicts, Tally Rally is
- Published in - Family, - Games and Activities
Hey Mama Monday: Be Patient Through the Trials
Monday, 25 June 2018
Hey Mama, No trial too big, no pain too deep, no fear too great, no hurdle too high. With The Lord all things are possible. He keeps and sustains us. He watches over His own. Those of you who are struggling right now with great trials (and I know personally so many of you
- Published in - Faith, - Finding Joy, Articles, Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Summer Vacation
Friday, 22 June 2018
Do you take a summer break from school or a summer vacation? Does it really matter which one you call it? I’m going to draw on my 15 years of home education experience and say, “Yes—it matters!” A summer break connotes (implies) a lull in activity, a break from the traditional bookwork, and maybe
- Published in - Caring for Yourself, Articles, Blog