Hey Mama
  Hey, Mama, I heard it through the grapevine that….well…that your house is a mess. A hurricane is more like it. Sure, your kids are clean and they eat really well (I’ve heard about your cooking), and right, so you spend a lot of time with them reading aloud and talking eye to eye, heart

Worldview Resources

christian worldview
  Last month, I poured out my heart for teaching kids to recognize the lies the world is going to throw at them. It is so clear from Scripture that we are not to be naïve about the wiles of the Devil and the worldviews of those who have rejected God. I’m sure there are

The Importance of Sleep, Part 3

  Sleep deprivation is not just prevalent in adults, our children are also not getting enough sleep. As homeschoolers, we can be a bit more flexible with our children’s’ schedules; but all too often, we can become more lax with their sleep schedule as well. The National Sleep Foundation, along with an expert panel from

The Importance of Sleep, Part 2

  My journey to not being tired, led me to read a lot of information about our sleep-deprived society. Sleep is not a bank. We cannot credit our bodies with hours of sleep in order to accomodate for sleep debt. In part one of this series, I shared my sleep journey, which included discovering I

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).