gig economy
  As homeschoolers, many of us are called upon to be more than high school instructors. We also need to be career coaches and guidance counselors. We tirelessly research the ins and outs of college admission, vocational school requirements, financial aid and scholarships, and other valuable information on behalf of our teens. Our high school

Playing to our Strengths

personality types
  On Wednesdays this spring, I’m teaching the ladies at my church about personalities. It can be freeing, motivating, comforting, and challenging to learn how I am designed to reflect a particular splinter of God’s image—and so is each person in my life. Understanding personalities can be a huge way for me to both receive
carole p. roman
  Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of over fifty children’s books. Whether it’s pirates, princesses, or discovering the world around us, her books have enchanted educators, parents, and her diverse audience of children. She hosts two blog radio programs and is one of the founders of a new magazine, Indie Author’s Monthly. She’s
Hey Mama
  Hey Mama, Right now it’s a frenzy. Feed them, house them, school them, disciple them. Clean, cook, answer calls, pay bills, show up, be available, clean up the crises. And there are plenty of those these days. Fast forward 10-20 years: You’re not young. But you have grandkids. Your children are still your life.

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).