Date Night Deals

date night activities
  Since the focus for February is usually love, I am sharing a few ways my husband and I have date nights that are romantic, fun, and within our monthly budget. Though all household budgets are different, these tips will still be a good starting point for you to build on or reduce as needed

What is Love?

valentine's day
February seems to revolve around Valentine’s Day, and the theme of love. A lot of money is spent on showing that special someone how loved they are. How do we define love? Everyone wants to be loved and feel loved. Would you describe love as a warm and fuzzy feeling? Is love a box of

A Review of “The Glass Universe”

the glass universe
  While doing inventory at work recently, I found the book The Glass Universe by Dava Sobel. Although I am not a science person, I decided to read the blurb. Fascinated by the historical aspects, I knew I had to review it. I will be examining it based on worldview, family friendliness, educational merit, and
  As a 13-year-old teenager, I was devastated when my parents moved from the country to the suburbs. I left behind all of my friends from a small school, only to find myself in a junior high school class triple the size. My parents bought a bigger house and with three of us growing teenagers,

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).