Hey Mama
  Hey Mama, A decade from now, those hyper little monkeys of yours will be big. Maybe even all grown up. Your life will be VERY different than it is now. You won’t recognize it. Maybe less chaotic. Maybe fewer cookie crumbs on the floor. Maybe less spit-up and tear-soaked (or snotty) shoulders; your clothes

Cherish the Memories

  When our daughter was very little, not yet two, my parents gave her the gift of a picture book and a stuffed animal that went with it. The book was Jane Simmon’s Come Along, Daisy! The whimsical illustrations in the book invite the reader into Daisy’s world, as seen through the eyes of a

Making Time for Family

  In the world today, it is so easy to get busy and forget what matters most to us here on earth. Our families need our love and undivided attention, but often, we are distracted with things like our phones, computers, or television. I know I have been guilty of putting things above my time

3 LEGO Games to Build Soft Skills

LEGO games
  My kids love building with LEGOs. They have many different sets and will play for a couple of hours nearly every day if I let them. Whenever I bring LEGOs into our homeschool, I instantly have everyone’s attention. They’re eager to listen to the instructions and see what they get to do with the

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).