Hey Mama,   Homeschooling one child? Here’s some advice from TOS magazine: One Child, One Journey – Shelly Campbell-Harley The Joy of Homeschooling Only One Child – Julie Jeavons The Great Bugaboo – Donna Conner For more advice, just search the magazine free at www.TOSMagazine.com. Are you facing trials right now? Trials will come
  Take a step back in time as we explore women’s history resources for homeschoolers. Dating as far back as the 1700s to just as recently as 1999, we will dive into the history of women who made a difference across several continents—all with one purpose in common, the furtherance of the kingdom of God.
  Hey Mama,   Is copywork important? How about good penmanship? I would have to argue that both will benefit your children’s education and future. If your children are copying good literature, their reading, writing, and vocabulary improve. Just pick a good piece of literature your children love and have them copy a short quote
  Preparing some foods in larger quantities ahead of time can help your week go smoothly. Instead of rushing from homeschooling to making lunch or dinner or being interrupted in your work in order to make a meal, you will have some items ready to pull out of the fridge, freezer, or container. Here are

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).