Are you reading aloud as a family? It’s a good way to enjoy great literature together. Recently our family finished The Three Weavers (Lamplighter Publishing), Hedge of Thorns, Stranger at Home, and now we’re in the midst of The Lost Ruby. The Lamplighter Rare Collector’s Series is so fantastic. These are character-building books, and our

Hospitality and Homeschooling

It is not always easy to welcome someone into your home, especially at a moment’s notice. After all, there are science experiments to do, math concepts to learn and math problems to solve, history lessons to read, and essays to write. Plus, there is laundry to do, dishes to be washed, and the table needs

Thinking Beyond High School

Thinking Beyond High School By Susan K. Stewart “We will be sending Joel to public school next year. We don’t think we can provide the college prep classes he needs,” Mr. Perez said with some sadness. My standard reply was “Are you sure?” “Neither my wife nor I know how to teach high school math,

Home Is Where the Love Is, Mama

Hey Mama, It’s only February, yet it’s so easy to slap yourself down. You’re doing it a lot these days, aren’t you? House messy, kids not schooled to the level you had hoped for, and you feel like you’re letting Hubby down (in more areas than one). And who even has time to figure out

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).