Heart Smart Unit Study

The heart is a powerful muscle that expands and contracts to pump blood to every part of the body. Everyone has a pear-shaped heart about the size of a closed fist. The heart is located in the middle of the chest, just behind the breastbone. The heart is divided into two chambers. The left chamber,

3 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Christmas is over, but winter continues to grace us with snowflakes, icicles, and slippery roads. While kids may be enjoying sled rides and snowball fights, many moms are looking for ways to beat the winter blues. Are you one of them? It is perfectly normal if you are. The lack of sunlight in your area

Do You Have the February Blues, Mama?

Rest and refreshment are what is needed for those depressing blues. But with so much coming and going, schooling and preschooling, laundering and cooking, wiping tears (sometimes our own) and training little ones—there’s no time to rest! This busy life can be overwhelming and discouraging, especially in mid-winter. Yet, we must continue to serve—so off

Your Best Curriculum Starts with YOU

“What curriculum do you use?” It’s the most common conversation starter in homeschool circles. Why not? We all want to know the best curriculum, and it’s a great way to break the ice when meeting a fellow home educator for the first time. It’s a topic of immediate common interest.  Choosing the best curriculum is,

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).